Gifted Education
Gifted Education
The purpose of the gifted education program is to provide gifted students opportunity to fulfill their exceptional potential. This serves as notification to parents as required by gifted program regulations.
Definition of gifted child: "Gifted Child" means a child who has superior intellect or advanced learning ability and who needs special instruction or special ancillary services to achieve at levels commensurate with his or her intellect and ability.
Gifted services: Arizona law requires the school to provide gifted services to students who score at or above the 97th percentile on a state-approved test. Patagonia Schools serve these students and other students identified as gifted.
Testing for gifted identification: Students nominated for gifted services are tested during one of three designated gifted testing weeks: fourth week in September, third week in January, and last week in April. Parents are notified of scores within 30 school days after the school has the scores. A school staff member will explain test results upon the parent's or student's request. Parents may withhold permission to test by contacting the school before the test.
Screening, identification, and placement:
Screening - The school staff reviews nominations for gifted identification and recommends testing, identification, and placement. Parents, students, teachers, and others may make nominations for the gifted identification process. Students who score at or above the 85th percentile on the state norm-referenced test are nominated for gifted testing. Nominated students may be tested with the Cognitive Abilities Test (Cog-AT) or other state approved test during designated gifted testing weeks.
Identification - Students who score at or above the 97th percentile on the State approved test are identified as gifted, and students with lower scores may be identified as gifted.
Placement - Students identified as gifted are served through special accommodations in the regular classroom and may participate in special gifted projects outside of their classrooms.
Parent referral: To request gifted screening or testing for their children, parents may contact the school secretary, or complete and return a parent referral form, located in the pocket of this handbook as well as available from the school secretary.
Parent permission: To withhold parent permission for gifted testing, a parent must write a note or call the school secretary.